Monday, September 14, 2009

Lowest Price ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I've had this for about a month now and have experienced no problems with it. Its light (even with the battery in it; around 3lbs), doesn't smudge as bad as people make it see (maybe my fingers aren't as greasy; it does attract a lot of dust though), the battery life is great (first use I got over 6 hours installing programs, downloading off wifi and bluetooth), and I have no qualms with the keyboard (I am 6'2", 4" fist, 8" finger span between my thumb and small finger).

The primary use of this machine is for writing and surfing the internet. I was going to buy a netbook at Bestbuy, but the salesman insisted that I needed a more powerful machine. He kept pushing $1500 laptops on me, then when I insisted that I had no desire whatsoever to play video games (and if I did I would just build another desktop). After learning that I had no desire to play video games he pitched you need to buy a Mac and I went into my spiel on how Mac's are overpriced garbage that a deceptive marketing ploy and if you really wanted an innovative system you would buy a computer of the same spec's for 1/3 of the price and install Linux on it. Though he claimed to be a profound computer expert, he then asked me what is Linux? I shook my head, and left.

I am glad I did because Bestbuy does not sell the 1000HE. If you are looking at buying a netbook I would suggest the 1000HE at the moment because of the Atom 280's more prolific battery usage (in comparison to Atom 270 netbooks). I waited a while to buy this, and was considering MSI's new U115 SSD/HDD hybrid (unreleased in the U.S.), but decided against it because the price will be too high (its listed for over 450-500 pounds in the U.K., $675-750 U.S.).

The reasons that I bought this are low cost, portability, great keyboard, and the battery life. It is my primary use machine, though I only use MS Office applications. You could probably get away with Photoshop (I would install an older version of Adobe for more optimal performance) and some video editing (Back in 2001 I use to do video editing on less qualified machines, it is possible depending on the program; it is certainly capable of capturing a video blog for youtube). Its a great machine and I would recommend it to anyone looking for portability, and battery life. If you want to play high end video games, and do extensive video editing then this is not for you, but if your adapt enough to do those things you should be prudent enough to know what machine to purchase.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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