Monday, September 7, 2009

Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Living in NYC, we tend to walk a lot. My boyfriend is constantly on the go, making it difficult to work on the book he is writing and to stay connected with others online. He needed a laptop that would travel well: lightweight, fully functioning, with an extended battery life. The Asus EEE PC definitely fits the bill, with an impressively affordable price tag!

Having large hands, I worried that its smaller keyboard might make it difficult for him to type. Not so, as he says he adapted very quickly. As others have mentioned, he does occasionally have trouble with the "jumping cursor" by hitting the touchpad, but not to the degree that it's a serious issue.

The 9+ hour battery life is true to promise; in the 4 months he's owned it, it has yet to fail. He hasn't had any problems with the AC adapter, as a few reviewers seem to have.

The one complaint is with Linux: although admittedly he didn't spend hours on end attempting to install it, he did follow his usual protocol of switching over from the standard Windows OS, but after hitting a few walls he decided just to reinstall XP.

Overall, although it hasn't totally replaced his other laptop, for everyday/on-the-go use, he is very pleased. So much so that it will probably be my next purchase when my laptop dies!
Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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