Monday, September 28, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Review

This is my first experience with something other than a desktop. I've used other peoples notebooks before and never could make the touchpad perform as well as a mouse. I decided to get a netbook though, as I wanted to be able to sit outside on the porch in the summer and still do computing, this model seemed to fit best my needs. This is only day two but I love it so far. I got the wireless connection to work with my exsisting gear, the only hard part was remembering how to set it up since I use maximum security measures in my router. The netbook had no problem once I got that set and my router is only on 50% power and this works great out here at 33 feet away on the front porch, so no nned to crank up the router power. That is running at 54Mhz on Wireless G. I've given it a good workout as I transferred data for around 14 hours over the wireless. Never lost connection or any data.

That was last night when I trnasferred my 67GB audio collection over, which filled up the the D Drive. Today I set up Media Player and while sitting outside here setting up other things, have been listening to some music. I've got the voulme at about 20% and its perfect, can hear in fine and clear and if I walk to the end of the driveway, can't hear it so as not to be disturbing the neighbors.

I've had little trouble typing, even thought the keys are a little different from a full size keyboard which I've used for the past 27 years. I do use the sticky keys accesibility functions, so that helps out.

I've had good luck with the touchpad. It performs much better than I thought and can navigate well. I had considered using a bluetooth mouse, but the touchpad was so easy to use I don't think i'll have to.

The screen is visible here in the shade, and even in direct sunlight, although not as well, but it does not completely wash out like some devices. I've been able to see it well all day. I've got some sun on the scren now and can still see it. Time to move my chair.

I like the weight and balance of it. i sit with the edges of it on my legs, which leaves the bottom free to get air flow. It has not gotten too hot or uncomfortable and I've been sitting for two hours doing much browsing and typing, plus I'm able to sit more comfortably so my one wrist has not hurt any.

This is turning out to be much better than I expected. I've got my msuic, internet capability and also transfered my movie catalog and recipies. When i have guests, I can bring this out we can have music or i can let them browse for a movie. I've been scanning some of my recipes as i wanted something to keep them from getting messed up while in the kitchen. I have a small place I can put the netbook out of the way, see a recipie while working and not worry about getting the netbook or a magazine covered in goo.

I decided to try email on it, transfered my email folder and installed email (I don't use outlook express). That was easy, it downloads mail quickly still and is easy to anvigate. i think i'll keep my email on it and off the desktop computer, that way I can check email either inside or outside.

So I've got the D drive filled but still plenty of room on the C drive. Most of what I use it for is installed and running.

As for the memory upgrade, I didn't buy that to start. I wanted to see how it would preform with what i do before making an additional expense. So far It seems to do well without it. So I hold off on that. maybe in the future but to me it seems unnecessary for my needs.

I havn't run it all day on battery yet. I ran 3 hours this morning on battery and when I went in for lunch and a few other things, I plugged back in to the wall and it rechanged back to full. Now that i've come back out and been running it some more,it says it has 75% power and 6.5 hours of use to go, although i'm not listening to music now as there are many birds nearby siging nicely, no dogs barking, phones ringing and not much traffic, so i'm just enjoying natural sounds at the moment.

I am more than 100% satisfied with the size and performance of this netbook so far. There will some things I cna do better at my desktop with two 19 inch monitors, but for the uses I wanted to be protable, this has worked out well so far. Being to I use exclusivly windows computers, having one with windows xp on it made it easier as i'm most familiar with it. I'm enjoying it and having fun without being stuck inside

I forgot to mention I typed this entire review on the netbook whileoutside with it sitting on my lap. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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