Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cheapest ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

For all the rabid Netbook lovers out there, leaving negative comments or marking this review as "unhelpful" wont change the facts.

Making this Netbook usable for me required an upgrade to the hard drive, upgraded RAM and the purchase of an external DVD drive. By the time I paid for all these USB powered components, I coulda bought a decent notebook computer with a much larger screen and keyboard. Now I have a good notebook computer with a small screen and a bunch of extra parts & cables.

One of the few advantages of this Netbook over a notebook is the 7 hour (real world) battery. I've yet to find a notebook computer that comes close.

If you're a broke student with no need to do much beyond email and internet access, this is a great deal. Just don't expect to use it for much of anything else.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Cheap ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

nice aesthetics- finger print magnet aside, it's a beautiful piece of electronics. My favorite detail is the metallic cap on either side of the hinge.

battery life- superb so far. I've never had a laptop that lasts this long on battery!

screen- it's a matte screen. I took it outside and with brightness turned up I was able to read on it with little difficulty.

keyboard- responsive. Haven't noticed any flexing. The page up, page down, home and end keys are a little tightly packed. I use them alot so it's gonna be some time getting used to them. Doesn't make too much noise when typing. The give of each key pressed is just enough to give you tactile feedback.

touchpad- left/right button are difficult to push...but when pushing down on angled side, it's a little easier. The multitouch is pretty cool, but I haven't gotten the hang of it just yet. It can be a little sensitive.

Fan noise and hard drive noise has been far. I have read countless reviews documenting horrible sounds and malfunctions. But none so far for me. I've had a few days.

Heat from the bottom isn't bad at all. It gets warm, but that's it. The power brick gets scolding hot, however.

I dislike the feel of the start button. It feels cheap, plastic like. I feel that it could break on me if I wasn't careful with it.

Out of the box, the wifi worked, I was able to download the necessary programs I need to enjoy using it (pidgin, firefox, avast!, rocketdock, etc.).

No complaints yet!

Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Buying ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Excellent choice, battery wont last 9.5 hours as stated, but I always get 7 hours which is great. New keyword is comfortable and easy to use. Camera has good image and video chatting works great, especially both microphones deliver great audio to your online audience. Speakers are powerful enough to fill a living room with sound. Touchpad not so happy about it, left and right buttons are a little bit hard to push, but overall it is not a big deal. Bluetooth connectivity works great. Boot time is super fast, hard drive big enough and screen displays really bright colors. 3 USB are more than enough, works smoothly in Web surfing, playing music and watching videos, although don't expect to edit videos o large pictures on this Atom base netbook. I bought this computer almost a month ago, and my girlfriend already bought one for herself, she love it. It is really useful and the price is awesome. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

This ASUS Eee Netbook does all it is is asked to do and is a very cost-effective solution to the problem of connecting to the net for e-mail, etc..Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Purchase ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

This computer is really great, the price point is dead on, the performance is great, and the screen is actually quite nice. I probably would have preferred a glossy screen over a matte but I like this one quite a bit anyway.

I would highly recommend anyone who buys this to also buy a 2gb stick of ram. It's a very easy upgrade and definitely worthwhile. You can find a stick of 2gb ram for this for about $20-$25 quite easily and it only takes about 5 minutes to install.

The only thing I have to complain about is that once the computer didnt come out of sleep mode properly and I had to do a hard reset. :( I've been using it every day for 2 weeks though and I have not noticed this happening again since so I'm sure it was just a fluky type thing.

I also recommend getting a mouse, I wasn't too impressed with the touch pad.

Overall this is a must for anyone who wants a laptop and doesn't intend to play games or do anything that requires a lot of system resources.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Order ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

There are loads of excellent reviews here on Amazon on the 1000HE. One thing that bothers me is that so many have said its a fingerprint magnet - WHO CARES????

It has made my life so much easier, carrying a laptop that runs XP (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - HATE VISTA), can log onto whatever network is nearby, runs Word, Powerpoint, Excel, my proprietary programs, and has a very nice hard drive! It weights 3 pounds AND the battery REALLY DOES last 7+ hours when using it in real life mode (meaning network card on, backlight not at minimum, etc.). Amazing. Thank you Asus!!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Where To Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I have been looking at these Netbooks for sometime. ASUS Eee 1000HE is a wonderful product. When comparing to other brands you will find you can easily upgrade this computer where the others are sealed and you have to void your warranty to open them. Be sure and order at 32G SDHC Class 6 card to use as a secondary hard drive to save more battery time. I use mine with Skipe with a my BlueTooth Headset that I typically use for my Cell Phone. The Battery life is about 9 hours, battery management software works great.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Shop For ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

My wife was looking for a small/light notebook for travel use. Based on other reviews, we settled on the ASUS 1000HE. We're glad we made the choice. Bright display, great keyboard, reasonable performance, built-in Bluetooth, GREAT battery life...this one has it all. Only minor hitch is that occasionally it resumes from Standby in 800x600 graphics mode (vs. the 1024x600 we normally keep it in). We have to manually put it back in the right mode...a minor annoyance. Overall, we highly recommend this little ASUS. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Monday, September 28, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I hate to sound like one of those crazy customers, but I literally have had the most unsatisfactory experience with ASUS since minute one. Below is an excerpt from the complaint letter I sent them. I have not heard back from management, though two different reps. told me someone would call me to discuss the various issues.





ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Review

This is my first experience with something other than a desktop. I've used other peoples notebooks before and never could make the touchpad perform as well as a mouse. I decided to get a netbook though, as I wanted to be able to sit outside on the porch in the summer and still do computing, this model seemed to fit best my needs. This is only day two but I love it so far. I got the wireless connection to work with my exsisting gear, the only hard part was remembering how to set it up since I use maximum security measures in my router. The netbook had no problem once I got that set and my router is only on 50% power and this works great out here at 33 feet away on the front porch, so no nned to crank up the router power. That is running at 54Mhz on Wireless G. I've given it a good workout as I transferred data for around 14 hours over the wireless. Never lost connection or any data.

That was last night when I trnasferred my 67GB audio collection over, which filled up the the D Drive. Today I set up Media Player and while sitting outside here setting up other things, have been listening to some music. I've got the voulme at about 20% and its perfect, can hear in fine and clear and if I walk to the end of the driveway, can't hear it so as not to be disturbing the neighbors.

I've had little trouble typing, even thought the keys are a little different from a full size keyboard which I've used for the past 27 years. I do use the sticky keys accesibility functions, so that helps out.

I've had good luck with the touchpad. It performs much better than I thought and can navigate well. I had considered using a bluetooth mouse, but the touchpad was so easy to use I don't think i'll have to.

The screen is visible here in the shade, and even in direct sunlight, although not as well, but it does not completely wash out like some devices. I've been able to see it well all day. I've got some sun on the scren now and can still see it. Time to move my chair.

I like the weight and balance of it. i sit with the edges of it on my legs, which leaves the bottom free to get air flow. It has not gotten too hot or uncomfortable and I've been sitting for two hours doing much browsing and typing, plus I'm able to sit more comfortably so my one wrist has not hurt any.

This is turning out to be much better than I expected. I've got my msuic, internet capability and also transfered my movie catalog and recipies. When i have guests, I can bring this out we can have music or i can let them browse for a movie. I've been scanning some of my recipes as i wanted something to keep them from getting messed up while in the kitchen. I have a small place I can put the netbook out of the way, see a recipie while working and not worry about getting the netbook or a magazine covered in goo.

I decided to try email on it, transfered my email folder and installed email (I don't use outlook express). That was easy, it downloads mail quickly still and is easy to anvigate. i think i'll keep my email on it and off the desktop computer, that way I can check email either inside or outside.

So I've got the D drive filled but still plenty of room on the C drive. Most of what I use it for is installed and running.

As for the memory upgrade, I didn't buy that to start. I wanted to see how it would preform with what i do before making an additional expense. So far It seems to do well without it. So I hold off on that. maybe in the future but to me it seems unnecessary for my needs.

I havn't run it all day on battery yet. I ran 3 hours this morning on battery and when I went in for lunch and a few other things, I plugged back in to the wall and it rechanged back to full. Now that i've come back out and been running it some more,it says it has 75% power and 6.5 hours of use to go, although i'm not listening to music now as there are many birds nearby siging nicely, no dogs barking, phones ringing and not much traffic, so i'm just enjoying natural sounds at the moment.

I am more than 100% satisfied with the size and performance of this netbook so far. There will some things I cna do better at my desktop with two 19 inch monitors, but for the uses I wanted to be protable, this has worked out well so far. Being to I use exclusivly windows computers, having one with windows xp on it made it easier as i'm most familiar with it. I'm enjoying it and having fun without being stuck inside

I forgot to mention I typed this entire review on the netbook whileoutside with it sitting on my lap. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Top Quality

While this isn't the fastest, smallest, or lightest laptop, with any killer features not found on any other laptop or netbook, it gets the job done consistently well.

--The screen is ridiculously bright, to the point where turning up the brightness all the way is almost too bright in most situations.

--The keyboard and touchpad are bit cramped, but nothing that a typical laptop user can't get used to. One issue with the keyboard is the tight configuration of the F- keys, which also double as special function keys, which makes it hard to find the volume and brightness buttons when using it in a dark room. Additionally, the small touchpad uses multi-touch (like the MacBook), but is sometimes finicky, especially with triple-finger gestures.

--Speed-wise, this thing boots very quick, and runs XP just fine. Multimedia applications seem to work fine, as long as whatever you are doing is not too demanding; I've watched a few 720p clips, which it seems to handle adequately -- I doubt it would hand 1080p well, though. Graphics (specifically 3D) are just adequate for this machine; the onboard Intel graphics can just barely handle Google Earth and Compiz (with Ubuntu 9.04), but it handles everyday tasks just fine. Processing speed is also adequate; some very processor intensive sites (such as Facebook, Youtube) are a little slow when multiple tabs are open in Firefox, compared to full-powered desktops, but this is expected on a netbook.

--Battery life is exceptional; I am not sure if it meets the advertised 9.5 hours of battery life, but I have observed at least 6-7 hours of fairly rigorous use (bright backlight, WLAN and Bluetooth on, several tabs open in Firefox), and still had ~15-20% of battery life left before being done with it.

--Webcam is a nice touch, but I haven't had a chance to use it much. It is certainly adequate, but performance is more or less average.

--The included StarOffice software is not nearly as user-friendly as Microsoft Office, and is far less up-to-date than the comparable (and free!) Open Office, which is a far better option. Also, the integrated are tinny and underpowered, as usual, but for whatever reason, the volume output from the headphone jack is just barely adequate for medium-volume listening. With higher impedance headphones, it is almost impossible to turn up the volume to a sufficient level when watching a movie on an airplane. Finally, keep in mind that this netbook has NO optical drive. This is kind of a given, but it can cause a few headaches when trying to install various software. Drive cloning utilities, such as Daemon tools or Alcohol 120% are helpful in these situations. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life This instant

I've had this product for about three weeks now, and I am quite pleased. I would say that if you purchase this product with a reasonable understanding of the limitations it is described as having on the product page (ie, compact size, and hence a small screen, and so forth) you'll have no reason to be disappointed. The battery life is, as advertised, superior to any other labtop or netbook I've had occasion to work with, and the networking speed is more than adequate.

All in all, a solid purchase.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Immediately

This is a great little computer for travel. Nothing fancy about it, but the battery life is amazing and it's fast enough for running basic programs. It's really a great product!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Best Quality

Let me start by saying I love the multi-zone touch pad. It acts almost like my iPhone. It can tell if I have 1, 2 or 3 fingers on the pad and each one can do a different task. Anyways I bought this because it had bluetooth, and the newer 801.N and the 9 hr battery. Although I haven't been able to test to see what the battery life is since after using it for so long I completerly forget about testing the actual time. I don't really care either, it lasts a long time! THe wifi isn't as good as my sons, MSI wind. I bought that a few months ago and was very impressed with the wifi. I feel it's really only better in that case.
Other than that I love it. Even with the brightness almost all the way down it's bright enough. The LED really runs cool and forever.
THe keyboard is just fine, even though a little smaller than standard. I have no trouble finding the keys.
Buy it today!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Get it now!

This computer is exactly as advertised. The price was great. The battery life is long. It arrived quickly and was packaged well. I would purchase from this seller again.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Buy Now

I read about this computer in a magazine and had to get it. For less than 400 bucks, The Asus EEE will not disappoint. I'm using it for email, banking, surfing & iTunes. Simple applications. Never had any problems. On iTunes I've downloaded movies to watch, no problem. The wireless is great and makes using this so easy!

Also, I love the small size, its very light. Family member has the Sony whatever laptop and that dude is a monster by comparison.

I bought the Amazon recommended 2 gig ram upgrade. Yeah it makes a difference, and its worth the 20 bucks for it too. It was fairly easy to install. (Make sure to push it in far enough till it clicks.)

This has a touchpad/ mouse deal on it. Its ok, but I prefer a little usb mouse I found over at Frys.

Mine came also with a carrying case thats like a zippered wetsuit material. Thanks ASUS!
Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Order Now

I loved this computer. I purchased 3 weeks ago and it is much better than my desktop. I love how convenient, compact and fast it is. I have recommended it to my friends.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Decide Now

I purchased this netbook through Amazon and loved it at first - small, easy to use, just what I wanted - but it died completely after only three weeks. I called ASUS support a couple of times to try and reboot but the power kept cutting out - bad battery? bad motherboard? No "expert" I talked to knew so they gave me an RMA#. I should have returned the machine to Amazon for a refund but I went ahead and sent the book back to ASUS (at my own expense!!) for repair, give them a chance to make things right. Its been two weeks and I haven't heard anything from ASUS. I've gone online to check the status of the repair, at one point they said they were "repairing" but now they don't seem to think I or my purchase exist. I should have bought an HP... Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Right now

After years of lugging heavy laptops through airports, hotel lobbies, and at work, I bought an ASUS 1000HE not just because it seemed like the optimal size and weight, but because it packed more computational power than you might expect from a netbook - and by the way, the others' descriptions of battery life are accurate - you can easily get almost 8 hrs out of it on one charge. You're not likely to ever do any heavy-duty number crunching or image editing on this machine, but on the other hand, it's very reasonable for performing routine tasks like internet use, e-mail, and word processing. One really cool thing - if you flip the screen wide open, place the 1000HE on a folding plate stand (yes, a plate stand, like your grandmother used), combine it with a wireless mouse and a good travel keyboard, you have the world's smallest computer footprint with full-size feel - about 1.3 sq. ft. - and the screen is at eye level (no more hunching over and typing on a tiny keyboard). I catch up with after-hours e-mail at the breakfast table without taking up much table space from the family - you can also set this system up on the smallest of hotel tables.

If things are easy to use, you use them more. Between work and home, I have 8 full-size PCs at my disposal, and I use the 1000HE more than any of them because it easily moves around with me. It also fits in a much smaller carrying case, even with all the accessories. In short, the 1000HE puts the "personal" back in personal computing. I am very happy with my purchase (I have bought 3 of them so far!).
Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Lowest Price ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I spent a lot of time seeking just the right computer (my first) to fit my needs, at just the right price. I read magazines and visited brick-and-mortar stores. I ended up with the Asus EEE PC 1000HE, mostly because of the Atom N280 processor. I had confidently bought it from unseen.

The computer has a solid feel to it, does not look like a toy. It's also got lots of thingamajigs and doohickeys which had no influence on my decision.

A matte finish for the case would be preferable, as fingerprints are glaringly obvious. I'm also a little unhappy with Asus's support.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Low Price ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

The first unit that I received displayed a blue screen of death when I turned it on. I sent it back to Amazon the next day. (It was picked at my house by UPS free of charge... Amazon, thank you for great service!)

The second one works arrived a week later. This line's Linux past is quite apparent. The computer is one of the most Linux friendly laptops I have ever had. Even with a "minimalistic" distribution like Arch the installation went very smooth. No need to download extra drivers or recompile the kernel. (Yes, I know that with Ubuntu an easy installation is the case for almost any hardware but Ubuntu is not my cup of tea). Since I use Linux and a lean window manager (Xmonad), 1GB of memory is plenty, OS + X taking only 6% of RAM.

The battery life is incredible! A couple of years ago you had to buy a $2,000 dollar notebook if you wanted its battery to lasts 6-9 hours. The touchpad's gestures are extremely cool under Windows (check out the mouse settings). But even under Linux two-finger vertical scrolling works very well right out of the box.

All in all, it's an excellent Linux (and Windows) computer for just $384... I took of one star off for ASUS' poor quality control (probably they never even tried to turn the defective computer on). I was lucky to have bought mine from Amazon, since, as I heard, dealing with ASUS customer support is hell. Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Save ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I have been avoiding notebooks due to keyboard and functional limitations. This is my 4th machine, i have sony laptop, toshiba laptop, acer notebook, and this puppy. It is definately a road machine. I designed a web site in doc waiting room yesterday using visio 2007. with the xp config and high end apps, it runs great. Get one if you can.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Discount ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Owned it for a month now.

The 1000HE has a amazing battery life. It's too bad it doesn't come with an SSD option (seems like an SSD would improve battery life even more?) or a Linux option. Despite that, my wife loves this little machine, and I'm considering one for myself now. The computer handled pretty well on 1GB of memory, but it certainly helped to upgrade to 2GB.

Minor cons include the two-finger scrolling is a little hard to get used to, and sometimes is just unusable. The multi-touch zoom is cool, but sluggish. The computer comes with some bloat-ware, but I've seen worse.

One other note: The first 1000HE I received have a defective wifi adapter, it was intermittently fail. If this happens to you, just use Amazon's return system, it works pretty well (in most cases).Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Cheapest ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I am very happy with this little machine, esp. for the price. It is light and small. The battery life is awesome (I am running on the "high performance mode" and getting roughly 7 hours on a charge). It is fairly customizable, with different options for processing speed, display, touchpad, etc. As an IT Tech, this is the machine I recommend to my clients.
Pros: size, weight, battery, keyboard, display
Cons: I don't love the touchpad, it's overly touchy. Shows fingerprints really easily (not that big a deal)Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cheap ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Well I bought my Eee mainly for 2 reasons: First, I already have a 3g internet service and I wanted the mobility this netbook would give me.

The second reason is, since I spend too much time online, this little friend would help me lower the power bill by not needing to be using my desktop computer for just browsing or "ebaying".

I must say I'm impressed. VERY indeed. I love the versatility of being able to go online virtually everywhere. The LONG battery life (I haven't tested how long it lasts but for sure more than 7 hours). A friend of mine's achieved 8+ hours with his 1000he. It all depends, of course, the kind of use you give your netbook, meaning that working harder, will drain the battery faster (I guess this is something that doesn't even need to be specified).

I can't say there's a thing that I don't really like about this netbook but maybe some things that I'd prefer to be.. hmmm. I might say "bettered" a little bit: the glossy finish is very prone to scratching. I haven't scratched mine in the outside yet BUT when closed and stored into the provided bag then put into a backpack for instance, it seems that the inner side of the lid touches the part where the customizable keys are and this lightly scratches the surface. I've noticed the "intel atom inside" decal actually scratched a little the part where it touches the screen frame.

Regarding to speed.. well, this is not a computer designed for heavy tasks, just browsing, light tasks such as word, excel and power point documents. Ocassional video playing is possible too so and although not fast in every sense compared to a high-end desktop, I think it's just enough for what it is intended. For those who are looking for a "just smaller but do-it-all" notebook, this is not the one for them. It doesn't even have a cd/dvd drive, which, by the way, I have never missed at all.

One VERY useful feature is the touchpad. I NEVER need to use the buttons unless I want to drag/drop something in the other end of the screen. The one, two and three finger modes are just excellent. With two fingers you can scroll down and up, open links in a new tab while browsing and close them again when you click on the desired tab. The three finger mode is very useful too for going back or forward to the previous page when swiped sideways while you're browsing. I also love the ability to right click just by tapping with three fingers.

I disabled the magnifying glass option because I find it very confusing and not very useful. It's very easy to trigger it with regular use of the touchpad.

Another feature I had to tweak is the zooming action, which at first was very sensitive and thus prone to activate very easily. Keyboard is so comfortable I haven't noticed any significant difference regarding to size or key layout compared to a regular-sized keyboard (although of course, this one is smaller).

I like the customizable keys which help you configure two of your most used programs and open it with just a touch of your finger.

It works nice with windows XP but I upgraded the memory to 2gb to help things breathe a little and help the little processor do better its job. What I frequently do is put it into sleep so it starts faster the next time I use it, unless, of course, there's no power source near and I need to save the battery for later.

The speakers are not as loud but just plainly enough. The headphone jack don't go up very much neither. I don't care anyway. In a noisy enviroment it's better having earbuds for listening to music or watching videos.

All that said, I think this is a wonderful "toy". I can't find a reason to be less than extremely happy with it!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Buying ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I had an Acer Aspire One for 5 months. It was 8.9" model. I was not happy with it's performance, and the keyboard was a little too small for me to type comfortably or quickly. I decided I wanted to replace it, and started looking for something else. After much reading, researching and reviewing, I decided to get the Asus Eee PC 1000HE. I am VERY happy with the decision. It is well built, you can feel the quality. The performance is clearly better than the Acer, the keyboard layout and size is excellent, the wireless is easy to set up and use. It has bluetooth which is a great addition. The battery life is EXCELLENT.
I highly recommend this machine.
One note--if you decide to upgrade to 2GB Ram, I suggest you not just follow the Amazon recommended memory, but do some research to make sure you get the correct and best memory. The memory Amazon tells you is "most often purchased" with this computer is not the most suitable memory card you can get.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I got this for my wife for email and playing goofy games with her friends online. For some games the screen is a bit small, but overall it works well and she's very happy with it. I've actually been a bit envious because it's got about the same computing power as the old laptop that I use but the battery lasts for ages longer.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Purchase ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I love this Netbook. I researched many brands and models before making my selection and couldn't find any other that had all the features of the 1000HE. I have had my new little "toy" for about 1 month now and wouldn't trade it for the world. It does everything I had hoped and more. This was definately the best choice!!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Order ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Bought this for the wife and its the best thing I ever did. Its a good little machine, I wouldn't use it for Photoshop, but for general office and internet surfing its perfect.

Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Where To Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

This is very powerful and easier to transport. I got this instead of upgrading my PDA which had gotten really old, or getting a smartphone. I can check my email wherever there is wireless and work on word documents. Take notes at meetings. The distributor Electronica Direct was fast and the shipping was easy to follownGet more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Shop For ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I purchased the Asus netbook right before leaving for China - I was concerned that I was not able to "try it out" before leaving - but I have been pleasantly surprised by its portability and use and dependability. Everytime I emailed home I expressed how much I liked my new Netbook. The smaller keyboard hasn't bothered me sinch I am such a terrible speller anyway. It has quick on downloading email which makes up much of my use. I have purchesed a separate cd/dvd/ standalone to go with it since there were a couple of programs I wanted to add. I am very pleased with this netbook.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

very light, fast access to the internet, good performance. Perfect for ppl needing to check e-mails and work on ms office programs. I love itGet more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Review

All my friends are jealous because of the 9 hour battery life and its weight/size...had to buy a mouse though because the touch pad is so sensitive...does not run quite as fast as my Mac laptop but then that is a 2500 dollar computer.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Top Quality

I just purchased this netbook for me. My husband just purchased the Acer One for himself from Costco. We compared them and the Asus is better in many ways, so the Acer is going back, and we purchased another Asus for my husband. The Asus connects faster on the internet, has a better webcam, and the screen has less glare. The keyboard is also more comfortable.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life This instant

This little computer boots up fast and is really quick for surfing. I found it really easy to drop in another Gig of Ram. I put an anti-virus software (ESET's Nod32 version 3.0) on it which has a very small footprint. If you use it mainly for Internet surfing don't load it up with anything to keep it fast. The graphics are beautiful and the keyboard is comfortable. This has to be the best computer I have ever owned. The battery life makes it ideal for portable use. I have found my husband picking it up and walking off with it, so I am thinking of getting another (we don't share well.)Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Immediately

I purchased the 1000HE and a 2gb memory upgrade. The memory SIMM was very easy to install and really helps with the performance of the machine. I am very pleased with the portability and function of the netbook. I had read that it was the best available in the 10" class and I have not been disappointed. I can do anything on this netbook that I can on my HP Vista notebook, so I set it up for the day-to-day activities that I have to do. I highly recommend this for anyone that needs portability without sacrificing too much performance.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Best Quality

I purchased my ASUS 1000HE a month or so ago. So far its been able to do everything I need it to. I bought this netbook for use with my online college courses so I can keep up when I go out of town and am away from my home desk top. Between the ASUS' capabilities and the functions of for remote access to my home PC I'm able to get my work done and get files that I forgot before leaving. Plus this little guy works great with HULU and Netflix so I can vegge out too ;)Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Get it now!

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10-Inch Netbook (1.66 GHz Intel Atom N280 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, 10 GB Eee Storage, Bluetooth, XP Home, 9.5 Hour Battery Life) Black

I have owned this terrific little machine for several months as of writing this review, and I am very glad to have made this purchase. I have not even bought the 2GB RAM expansion - though I plan to - and expect my positive experience with the Eee can only improve.

I have been an Ubuntu user for about two years, and found that a standard install of the latest release (9.04) went smoothly; I also set up a shared data partition between XP and Linux. After spending some time with both operating systems, however, I've found that the Windows XP operating system is clearly superior in this instance: You will definitely get a couple more hours out of the battery (I usually get around seven hours) and won't face several hardware issues with the speakers and internal microphones as with Ubuntu.

The hardware itself is also great - you'll get used to the slightly tinier keyboard very quickly and it is comfortable to type on, even for extended periods. The screen has a nice resolution and has a wide range of brightnesses to optimize between visibility and battery life. The trackpad, although seemingly cramped at first, becomes quite usable. I disabled the multitouch "zoom" function and just preserved the two-finger scrolling, which it super convenient, and something I definitely miss when using other laptops. The processor, though underwhelming, performs commendably in most situations. The integrated graphics card, not surprisingly, is useless if you try to play any modern games. However, while I initially had some problems playing HD video files (.mkv) without a severe drop in framerate, I found that KMPlayer magically resolved all of these issues! So, the Eee PC - even with the single gig of RAM, serves as an awesome multimedia tool as well.

The computer is very portable, of course. The ample amount of battery life means I treat the computer more like a cell phone, only charging it when necessary. Actually, I don't think I've ever depleted the battery fully when out and about.

I highly recommend buying this product, if you haven't decided yet!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Buy Now

I purchased my Asus Eee1000HE Net Book Computer in May from Amazon. It arrived on-time via FedEx and performs flawlessly. I had to update a driver to access the internet wirelessly and Asus tech services were great in guiding me both through the process and in selecting the correct driver.
The best thing about this net book is that with a 92% keyboard and Ten- inch screen, you will quickly forget how small a device you are using. When I later switched back to my 15-inch laptop, it felt gargantuan and unwieldy in comparison.
Due to this net books extreme portability and the 1000HE's Nine-plus hours of battery life, it has quickly become our families' go-to computer,...which means I'll probably have to buy another to satisfy us all!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Order Now

I ordered this netbook after getting yanked around by Dell trying to order a Mini 10v (like a lot of other people, I realized later) - basically, they just kept pushing back my expected delivery date. I wanted a 10 inch netbook with built in Bluetooth and a good 6 cell battery. I hadn't heard much about Asus, but this model was highly ranked on CNET, so I took a chance and order it along with a Bluetooth mouse. I am really happy with this small, lightweight, sleek netbook. I was surfing the web and file sharing with my other laptop within a few minutes. The battery lasts easily 8+ hours, no problem - wow. The built-in Asus customization applications are actually really slick - and well worth reading the manual to figure out how to configure them and get the most of them. The display is excellent - much better than my work Lenovo laptop or our Dell laptop. The keyboard feels nice for being so small, and the mouse touch pad work better than any I've ever used on my other laptops.

Another huge benefit over the Dell's is the ease of upgrading the RAM to 2GB. To upgrade the Mini 10v, you basically have to completely disable the Dell - there are videos demonstrating the entire procedure on YouTube and other sites, showing how it takes 30-60 minutes and involves breaking off heat sink compound and everything. With the 1000HE, it's as simple as opening up a small cover on the back side with two screws and then flipping out the old RAM DIMM and inserting the new one. It takes maybe 2 minutes if you're slow. However, as with many Asus laptops, upon re-booting, Windows XP won't see the extra RAM unless you enter the bios by pressing F2 due start-up, the simply select "Save and Exit" so that the new memory is saved into some file that Windows pulls from. Otherwise, Windows won't recognize the new memory, and it will continue to run fine, but on the original 1GB of RAM.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Decide Now

Many people criticize the netbook as underpowered and lacking in numerous features. I would like to ask these people what they intended to use their netbook for? I use mine as a travel companion, a means of keeping in touch via email, Skype and blogging. I use mine to do some minor word processing and to put together power point displays. I transfer files via integrated bluetooth with my other bluetooth enabled devices. I feel comfortable travelling with a $400 netbook and not a $1600 laptop. If you are a gamer, well, don't expect a netbook to give you the specs necessary to play the latest and greatest games. This netbook is awesome and super simple to upgrade to 2GB (check out the Youtube videos of doing the upgrade). The only negative is the machine fingerprints like crazy.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life Right now

Great unit but exceedingly poor documentation.And entirely too much peripheral junk already installed.Took me a lot of time to remove at least part of it.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Lowest Price ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I just bought one from Target (on sale for $250). The battery life appears to be about 3.5 hours on the model I bought. I had just bought a Magellen GPS (on sale for $200) for an upcoming trip, but it had a horrible map background (salesman said it had USGS topo maps, but you had to pay extra to download those), so I got the idea of using the GPS receiver I have for an older Dell laptop, and downloaded a 60-day demo of Microsoft Streets and Trips 2009. Sweeeeeet! For just a couple pounds more, I have a much better GPS unit, a full-function laptop, and the wireless connection works better than the one I had for the Dell. The slightly smaller keyboard causes a few problems for me typing (but probably just something to get used to). With the 3 (or is it 4?) USB ports, and other ports, you could connect to a full size monitor and/or keyboard if you want. I see almost no downside to this thing! Sure, it doesn't have a built in CD/DVD drive, but again, you can get an external one if you want (how often do you use a CD/DVD drive anyway?). And of course, it has a smaller screen than a larger laptop or desktop (Duh!). You can download software you might need via the internet, or you could do a LAN connection to access another computer's drives.

Bottom line, get it!!!!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Low Price ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

Just wanted to say it is an amazing netbook. Had a couple startup problems but nothing I couldn't fix in msconfig. Get rid of norton. Enjoy the long battery life! I use for 2 hours a day.. charge sure lasts quite a few days!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Save ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

It is easy to become jaded in this world of rapidly advancing high-tech consumer electronics. It wasn't that long ago (2-3 years) that a computer with less specs than this would easily cost twice as much. This is not a low-end, low-quality computer. It can do about 90% of what I ask my bigger, desktop computer to do (and I don't ask that of it very often).

I could not believe the quality for the price! Did I mention the price? I bought this for coffee shop visits, for sitting on the porch, for vacations where I promised not to bring my laptop (it's not a REAL computer honey, look at how small it is! It's more like a Gameboy).

This would be a great back-up computer for many of us and a wonderful gift for the high school graduate. I can't imagine getting more for the money, but who knows what the future will hold? Is it perfect? No, but I didn't expect it to fulfill the functions of a high-end desktop. Still, since it is a wonderful value for the price it gets 5 stars from me.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Discount ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

This is my first netbook, and it certainly won't be my last. I purchased two of these for my anniversary this year and was surprised at the actual capabilities of this little guy.

I'll answer the questions I wasn't able to get answered before I purchased:

1. Yes, I can run Photoshop CS3. It's a little slow, but it works well and has plenty of space with the 160GB HD. I do recommend the 2GB RAM upgrade. Photoshop CS and Photoshop 7 run flawlessly.

2. Windows 7 runs better than Windows XP on this machine.

3. I've had no problem viewing DOWNLOADED video. Streaming HD from YouTube is mildly choppy. I connected this to my TV and we watched HQ video from other sites with no lag. I suggest investing in a portable DVD Drive, too.

4. I can play most games that don't require 3D acceleration. Duke Nukem 3D, Quake 1, GTA 2, and every Flash based game I've installed have played just fine. I also use a bluetooth gamepad and play emulated NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. I won't even bother trying N64. Lots of fun to hook to the TV and play all these old games.

5. Resolution emulation leaves a LOT to be desired. The default resolution is just fine for most applications, though.

6. Office 2k7 Pro runs fine. I recommend setting the ribbon to "Auto Hide" for more working area.

7. Install Stanza and Foxit Reader. Install EEERotate. Turn this bad boy on its side and you've got an ebook device with a color screen that can do 100x more than a Kindle...Yes, I still want a Kindle DX, but this 1000HE will suffice until the prices drop. :)

8. My average battery life is about 8 hours. I've gone just over the 9.5 a few times, but usually I'm right at 7 hours. I've got the screen brightness turned all the way down and I use headphones rather than internal speakers. Running WinXP, I averaged 6.5 hours of battery life. Windows 7 really improved that for me.

9. iTunes is SLOW..I don't know why, but it lags constantly. After you install it, just don't use it. Use SharePod to manage your iPods. MediaMonkey runs very well and can manage your files. WinAMP, unfortunately, eats away too much CPU to use comfortably with large playlists and visuals.

This is a fantastic computer. It completely replaced my 17in HP DV9000US for my needs. Everyone needs one. My wife, who hates computers, really enjoys using her blue 1000HE. I love my black one.

Definitely get a leather-bound "executive" book-styled case. Get an external DVD burner. Get on ebay and find the nifty "brushed metal" keyboard skin.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Cheapest ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

We are novices when it comes to laptops or notebooks. Just wanted something easy to use for bill paying and communicating while traveling. We got it in the Asus and so much more. We did comparison shopping and this was the one that met our criteria.
--JAR from WisconsinGet more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Cheap ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I've had the 1000HE for just under two weeks and the charger stopped charging. Of course I am upset at the fact that something new would break so quickly but I also understand that it is a product like any other and there can be defects. What I cannot understand is the poor customer service of ASUS. I called July 1st and I will not be receiving it, according to the person on the phone till the 10th or so. In order to upgrade the shipping to 2-day it will cost $25! When I mentioned that if you purchase an adaptor from them, shipping next day is only $15 they told me that I could go and return it to AMAZON if I no longer wanted it. They were not at all apologetic nor did they even try to speed up their side of the processing of the warranty. When I told them I was disappointed with how the warranty department was handling this they advised me that their actions were according to policy and that was all they were able (willing to do). I was taken back by their attitude and I would have returned the computer right away, except for the fact that all my information is already on there and I have no way of deleting it because there is NO battery. So far I am very dissapointed with ASUS as a company and I am very seriously considering returning this item as soon as I have a way to delete my information. The computer itself was great, but I do not want to give my money to someone with the attitude they were giving me for a defective product on their end.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Buying ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10-Inch Blue Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I've just taken delivery (3 weeks ago) of an ASUS netbook - and I think its fabulous. I honestly can't imagine why I'd ever buy a laptop ever again. The keyboard is smallish - but it works. You can sit in front of the tv and do email work etc whilst half watching a movie! Its got plenty of speed (for word processor / spreadsheet apps). Plenty of ports - I have it hooked up on my desk to a screen - wireless keyboard / mouse, speakers / headset and cooling pad.

What I just love - is finally here is a portable computer that really does have 6 - 9 hours battery life. I've used it and used it - I just can't flatten the sucker! I bought 2Meg Ram with it - so that may contribute to the performance - but really I can't tell any difference with fully fledged laptop.

The screen is adequate and its kind of cute - my teenage daughter curls up in bed with it, its really a friendly machine - that crosses that machine - book boundary. What's more at this price I could even afford to buy her one if she won't give me mine back.

I love the size, its truly portable, and despite some people's comments about weight - really its light as.

Finally after years of tampering with useless gadgets (like pda's) here is something that really bridges the gap between portability and functionality. I'm not easy to please - but I can't stop smiling!Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

The battery on this netbook is amazing - I get around 8 hours on normal usage. The keyboard is pretty good as the other reviews attest to, but keep in mind it is still reduced size and the palmrest is also smaller, so it is not as comfortable as a regular notebook keyboard. I know some say the right shift key has been improved, but I still prefer a giant right shift key, not a small one. The trackpad could be improved - its not nearly as good as the one on my Macbook Pro - its not sensitive enough for scrolling and sometimes confuses it with rescaling the font (never have that issue on my MBP). Performance is what you expect from a netbook - adequate but nothing to write home about. The fan is a little noisy on this one, but then I am used to my Mac, which has a pretty quiet fan. Overall for less than $400, you get a little computer you can travel with. Obviously you won't be doing photoshop on this, but its good enough for emai and websurfing.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.