Monday, October 5, 2009

Where To Buy ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I purchased the Asus Eee 1000HE over the Aspire 10 inch version. I am so glad that I did. It's perfect for basic surfing, word processing and e-mailing. It comes with 1GB Ram, but I upgraded to 2GB immediately for approximately $26.00 (check Amazon). It was really easy to do, I unscrewed the back panel, pulled out the 1GB and pushed the 2GB in. It took me about seven minutes to do it (check You Tube for how to viedo). Okay so here is the breakdown ...
1. SCREEN: Mat finished screen, cuts down on the glear. Has a sturdy
construction, expensive look (trust me, I've seen shabby ones). Also
can tilt screen a great deal without causing computer to fall over
2. BATTERY LIFE: Excellent battery life, but not as long as they stated.
I've been told that if you close unsed windows as you surf the net,
you'll increase the battery life. Also decrease the brightness of your
3. BOOT UP: 5-8 Seconds
4. KEY BOARD: Keys have a little space between them, this makes the keyboard easier
to use. It has the feel of a full sized keyboard.
5. DISPLAYS: full web page for all applications, even games I've used so far
(unlike the Aspire)TIP: F11 will max screen viewing area.
6. FAN:Can't hear it most of the time.
7. WEIGHT: It weighs just over three pounds but it is still small enough to lift
and move around with one hand.
8. RIGTH/LEFT CLICK: a little stiff, but works well. Can use a two finger sweeping
motion on the mouse to increase/ decrease font size. Can also use to fingers to
stroll up and down. Takes practice to master it (read the manual).
9. SLIP COVER: Nice foam lookin bag witha zipper. Carry case with strap can be
found at Staples for as little as 24.99 or Radio Shack for 20.99
1. Finger print magnetic
2. Cost more than the Acer Asipre (but worth it)
3. I can't tell what's differnt about the layout of the keyboard, but I
sometimes hit a key that brings me to the top of whatever am typing.
4. 10 GB extra storage is on line- so that means that youn can acess files from any
computer anywhere (w/internet of course), but if I'm not mistaken, the storage
is only free for a limited time.
Like I said, I am very pleased. Acer is suppose to be coming out with a 3GB netbook, but for now, the Asus netbook has everything that the average user needs.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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