Thursday, October 15, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life This instant

Great little computer. Upgraded to 2gb ram before installing my software, but for $20 it was an easy choice and super easy job (must update BIOS to see 2gb in system info).
I do recommend "sharing" your optical drive on a networked computer for software installs, but any usb optical drive can plug in easily too.
My packaging through J&R had popped airbags so the inner PC box was slammed around a bit, but I never would have known if someone else opened it for me. Keyboard size is a bit smaller, but easy to adjust to with extended use. Screen size is more of an adjustment if you're used to large/wide screens. My only reason to rate it down is that I would like to see more resolution options from the video card. Buyers should be aware in this PC segment already though.
I have yet to save and run movies. Streaming and wireless are as fast as your network.Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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