Sunday, August 30, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life

I went back and forth over the purchase of the 1000HE, the 1008, waiting for the 1005, and almost bought an HP 1000. In fact, I had the HP 1000 ordered, but they ran out...I was very disappointed, but now, I'm glad.

Here's the simple question: Which is more important to you, aesthetics or functionality?

Functionality: No other mini out there has more battery life. And, you can upgrade this to 2GB (though I haven't). I seriously doubt the common user (Outlook, word, excel, multiple instances of internet explorer) will see a problem with performance, even with 1GB.

Aesthetics: Yes, others are more sleek and slim...but you're only saving around a pound. You lose battery life. And, you might be thinking, no big deal, I'll just carry my cord. Well, I get sick of wrapping and unwrapping power cords. See more below.

Battery life, battery life, battery life. I now walk out of the house in the morning with my mini and a portfolio with a pad of paper in it for meetings, usually don't even carry a bag or brief case. Most of the time, I just turn on my mini and take notes. If you can simply remember to plug your mini in at night, much like you do your cel phone, you'll never run out of battery life (remember to set the battery usage to power saving).

Speaking of power saving: Actual working power is great. I usually have Outlook, Excel, Word, and 4-6 instances of internet explorer open and have never noticed a lack of power...or that it is slow.

Easy to use. This picks up all wireless networks incredibly fast. Keyboard is great. I am definetely glad I went with the chicklet keys.

I struggled with my decision for days...

If functionality is more important than aesthetics...(and let's be clear, this little guy isn't ugly...I've received multiple comments on how "cute" he is...I have the blue one)
If you are a normal user, not a power user...
If you want the freedom of not relying on a battery cord and therefore maybe not carrying a computer bag or brief case...

Then go with the 1000HE.

Get more detail about ASUS Eee PC 1000HE 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 9.5 Hour Battery Life.

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